Container Availability (7/23/24)

– All of the plastic containers we use are made in the USA, either in Washington or Oregon.
– 2″×5″ band pots must be ordered in full (36) or half flat quantities (18).
– 3.5″ and 4″ band pots must be ordered in full (18) or half flat (9) quantities.
– #1 and #2 containers minimum of 5 per species.
– Plugs must be ordered in full tray quantities. We grow them in 2 sizes: 4 cubic inch (72 per tray), 9 cubic inch (50 per tray).
– All prices based on $500 minimum order. For orders $200-$500 add 25%, for orders under $200, price is X 2.
– 10% charge for retail orders. (Retail Nurseries and all wholesale orders with 10+ species at minimum quantities).

Achillea millefolium

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
565 #1  
676 4" band  

Aconitum columbianum • Columbian monkshood

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Actaea rubra - red berry

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
95 #1  

Actaea rubra - white berry

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Adiantum aleuticum [pedatum]

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
32 #1  

Agastache utricifolia • nettleleaf giant hyssop

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
36 4" band  

Ageratina anserina • silverweed cinquefoil

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Allium acuminatum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Allium amplectens

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Allium campanulatum • dusky onion

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Allium cernuum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Jeff County, WA
422 #1  
201 4" band  

Allium obtusum • red Sierra onion

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Allium platycaule • broadstemmed onion

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Plumas County, CA
Sold Out    

Allium unifolium • Oneleaf onion

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Allium validum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: El Dorado County, CA
Sold Out    

Anaphalis margaritacea • pearly everlasting

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
10 #1  
235 4" band  

Aquilegia flavescens • yellow columbine

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Aquilegia formosa

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
440 #1  
130 #2  

Aralia californica

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Argentina egedii [pacifica] • pacific silverweed

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Lincoln County, OR
Sold Out    

Armeria maritima

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Lincoln County, OR
Sold Out    

Arnica amplexicaulis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
Sold Out    

Arnica latifolia

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: El Dorado County, CA
Sold Out    

Arnica mollis • hairy arnica

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Plumas County, CA
Sold Out    

Artemisia douglasiana • California mugwort

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
660 4" band  

Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana • white sagebrush

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Aruncus dioicus • goatsbeard

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
515 #1  
614 4" band  

Asarum caudatum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
100 4" band  

Asarum hartwegii

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Plumas County, CA
325 4" band Aug. 2024

Asclepias cordifolia

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Asclepias fascicularis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
36 4" band  

Asclepias speciosa

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
25 #1  

Aster [Symphyotrichum] chilensis • Pacific aster

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Aster [Symphyotrichum] hallii • Hall's aster

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
Sold Out    

Aster [Symphyotrichum] subspicatus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
1037 #1  

Athyrium filix-femina • ladyfern

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
19 #1  
140 #2  

Balsamorhiza deltoidea • deltoid balsamroot

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Balsamorhiza sagittata • arrowleaf balsamroot

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Northern Idaho
Sold Out    

Blechnum spicant

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
812 #1 Aug. 2024
Seed Source: Lane County, OR
35 #2  

Boykinia major

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Klamath County, OR
350 4" band Jul. 2024

Boykinia occidentalis • coastal brookfoam

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Brodiaea elegens • harvest brodiaea

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
18 4" band  

Calochortus luteus • yellow mariposa lily

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Plumas County, CA
Sold Out    

Calochortus monophyllus • yellow star-tulip

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Plumas County, CA
Sold Out    

Calochortus nudus • naked mariposa lily

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Plumas County, CA
Sold Out    

Calochortus tolmiei • Tolmie star tulip

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
18 4"  

Calyptridium umbellatum • Pussy paws

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Lane County, OR
Sold Out    

Camassia leichtlinii v. leichtlinii

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Douglas County, OR
Sold Out    

Camassia leichtlinii v. suksdorfii • great camas

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
210 #1  
168 4" band  

Camassia quamash

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
285 4" band  

Cardamine nuttallii v. nuttallii

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Castilleja miniata • scarlet paintbrush

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
110 #1 Aug. 2024
856 4" band  

Cimicifuga [Actaea] elata • tall bugbane

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Claytonia sibirica • candyflower

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
115 4" band  

Coreopsis lanceolata • lanceleaf coreopsis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Cornus canadensis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Cynoglossum grande • hound's tongue

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Darmera peltata

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
115 #1  

Datura wrightii • jimson weed

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Riverside County, CA
Sold Out    

Delphinium glaucum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Nevada County, CA
Sold Out    

Delphinium oreganum • Willamette Valley Larkspur

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
Sold Out    

Delphinium trolliifolium

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
167 #1  
716 4" band  

Dicentra formosa

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
14 #1  
1048 4" band  

Dichelostemma congestum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
Sold Out    

Disporum hookeri

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Dodecatheon hendersonii

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
Sold Out    

Dodecatheon jeffreyi • Sierra shootingstar

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Dodecatheon pulchellum • darkthroat shootingstar

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Epilobium [Chamerion] angustifolium • fireweed

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
Sold Out    

Erigeron glaucus • seaside fleabane

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Erigeron peregrinus • subalpine daisy

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Erigeron speciosus • showy fleabane

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
888 4" band Jul. 2024

Eriophyllum lanatum • Oregon sunshine

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
160 #1  
108 4" band  

Erysimum capitatum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
145 #1  

Erythronium grandiflorum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Wasco County, OR
Sold Out    

Erythronium multiscapoideum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Erythronium oregonum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
9 #1  
361 4" band  

Erythronium purpurascens • purple fawnlily

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Erythronium revolutum • mahogany fawnlily

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Lincoln County, OR
Sold Out    

Fragaria chiloensis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Lincoln County, OR
Sold Out    

Fragaria vesca

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
684 3.5"  

Fragaria virginiana

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
Sold Out    
Seed Source: El Dorado County, CA
Sold Out    

Fritillaria affinis • checker lily

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Fritillaria atropurpurea • checker lily

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Plumas County, CA
64 4" band  

Fritillaria pudica • yellow bell

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Plumas County, CA
Sold Out    

Fritillaria recurva • scarlet fritillary

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Gaillardia aristata

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
582 #1  

Geranium oreganum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
14 #2  
40 #2  

Geum macrophyllum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
83 #1  

Geum triflorum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Grindelia camporum • Great Valley gumweed

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Grindelia integrifolia • Puget Sound gumweed

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
99 4" band  

Helenium autumnale

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Marion County, OR
Sold Out    

Helenium bigelovii • tall sneezeweed

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Plumas County, CA
80 4" band Jul. 2024

Helianthella californica • California helianthella

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Heracleum lanatum [maximum]

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County. OR
Sold Out    

Heuchera chlorantha

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
Sold Out    

Heuchera cylindrica

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Heuchera micrantha

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
90 4" band Jul. 2024

Iris bracteata

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Iris chrysophylla

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Lane County, OR
250 #1  
325 4" band  

Iris douglasiana

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Curry County, OR
1287 4" band  
250 4" band Aug. 2024

Iris hartwegii

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Iris innominata • Del Norte Iris

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
150 #1  
255 4" band  

Iris macrosiphon • bowltube iris

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Iris missouriensis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
16 #1  

Iris setosa • wild flag iris

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
374 #1  
291 4" band  

Iris species Pacific Coast hybrid • Iris sp. - Pacific Coast hybrid

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
40 #1  

Iris species Pacific Coast hybrid dark yellow • Iris sp. - Pacific Coast hybrid dark yellow

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
Sold Out    

Iris species Pacific Coast hybrid pale yellow • Iris sp. - Pacific Coast hybrid pale yellow

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
90 #1  

Iris species Pacific Coast hybrid white/purple • Iris sp. - Pacific Coast hybrid white/purple

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
Sold Out    

Iris species Pacific Coast hybrid yellow • Iris sp. - Pacific Coast hybrid yellow

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
16 #1  

Iris tenax

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
83 #1 Aug. 2024
465 4" band  
75 4" band Aug. 2024

Lewisia rediviva • bitterroot

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
420 4" band dormant

Ligusticum apiifolium • celeryleaved licorice root

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Lilium columbianum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
655 2" x 5" band  
404 4" band  

Lilium humboltii • Humbolt's lily

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Lilium pardalinum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Lilium parryi

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Lilium parvum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Lilium washingtonianum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Linum lewisii

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
315 #1  
700 4" band  

Lomatium californicum • California lomatium

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
179 2" X 5" band  

Lomatium columbianum • Columbia desert parsley

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Hood River County, OR
40 #1 Aug. 2024

Lomatium dissectum • fernleaf biscuitroot

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
5 #1  

Lomatium nudicaule • barestem lomatium

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
40 2" X 5" band  

Lomatium utriculatum • common lomatium

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
Sold Out    

Lupinus albicaulis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
55 #1 Jul. 2024
8 4" band  

Lupinus albifrons • white leaved lupine

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Lupinus arboreus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
95 #1  

Lupinus argenteus • silvery lupine

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Washoe County, CA
Sold Out    

Lupinus latifolius

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
500 4" band  

Lupinus lepidus • Pacific lupine

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Lupinus littoralis • seashore lupine

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Lupinus polyphyllus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
165 #1  
726 4" band  

Lupinus rivularis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
404 #1  
430 4" band  

Lupinus sp. • lupine species

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
30 #1  

Lupinus stiversii • harlequin annual lupine

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Lysichiton americanus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Maianthemum dilatatum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
922 4" band  

Microseris laciniata

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Marion County, OR
150 4" band  

Mimulus aurantiacus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Butte County, CA
Sold Out    

Mimulus cardinalis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Mimulus guttatus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
9 4" band  

Mimulus lewisii

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
Sold Out    

Montia linearis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Marion County, OR
Sold Out    

Nepeta siberica • Siberian catmint

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
85 #1  
135 #2  
190 #2 Aug. 2024

Nothochelone nemerosa • woodland beardtongue

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Olsynium douglasii • Douglas' grasswidows

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Oxalis oregana

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
Sold Out    

Paeonia brownii • Brown's peony

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Nevada County, CA
Sold Out    

Pedicularis groenlandica • Elephant's head lousewart

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Penstemon azureus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Penstemon cardwellii • Cardwell's penstemon

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton county, OR
300 4" band  

Penstemon davidsonii • Davidson's penstemon

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Penstemon deustus • hotrock penstemon

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
360 4" band  

Penstemon eatonii

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
97 #1  
735 4" band  

Penstemon elegantulus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Penstemon euglaucus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Penstemon gracilentus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Penstemon newberryi • mountain pride

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Penstemon rattanii • Rattan's beardtongue

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Penstemon rydbergii

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: El Dorado County, CA
108 #1  
400 4" band  

Penstemon serrulatus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Penstemon speciosus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: El Dorado County, CA
230 4" band  

Penstemon strictus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
93 #1  
408 4" band  

Penstemon venustus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Perideridia oregona • Oregon Yampah

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
Sold Out    

Polystichum munitum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
1890 #1 Aug. 2024

Potentilla glandulosa • sticky cinquefoil

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
Sold Out    

Potentilla gracilis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
Sold Out    

Prunella vulgaris • self-heal

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
45 #1  

Pteridium aquilinum • western brackenfern

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
Sold Out    

Ranunculus occidentalis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
90 #1  
463 4" band  

Ranunculus orthorhynchus

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
Sold Out    

Rudbeckia hirta • blackeyed Susan

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
66 #1  

Rudbeckia laciniata • cutleaf coneflower

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Rudbeckia occidentalis • western coneflower

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Sagittaria latifolia • wapato

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
Sold Out    

Satureja douglasii • Yerba buena

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
Sold Out    

Saxifraga oregana • Oregon saxifrage

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
Sold Out    

Scrophularia desertorum • desert figwort

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Sedum oreganum • Oregon stonecrop

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
13 4" band  

Sedum spathulifolium • broadleaf stonecrop

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Sidalcea campestris

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
18 4"  

Sidalcea cusickii

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
33 #1  

Sidalcea oregana ssp. spicata

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Sidalcea virgata • dwarf checkerbloom

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
Sold Out    

Sisyrinchium californicum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
516 4" band  

Sisyrinchium idahoense

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
368 #1  
1206 4" band  

Smilacina racemosa

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Solidago canadensis

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
7 #1  

Tellima grandiflora • fringecup

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
476 4" band  

Thalictrum occidentale

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
9 #2  

Thalictrum polycarpum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
75 #1  

Thermopsis gracilis • slender goldenbanner

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
22 #1 Aug. 2024
135 4" band Jul. 2024

Tiarella trifoliata • foam flower

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Tolmiea menziesii • youth on age

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
703 4" band  

Trillium albidum • giant white wakerobin

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
742 2" x 5" band  
54 4" band  

Trillium ovatum

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
Sold Out    

Triteleia hyacinthina

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
Sold Out    

Triteleia ixioides • prettyface

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Vancouveria hexandra

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Veratrum viride • green false hellebore

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Viola adunca • hookedspur violet

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
Sold Out    

Viola glabella • stream violet

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
67 #1  
1267 4" band  

Viola praemorsa • canary violet

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Polk County, OR
844 4" band  

Viola purpurea • goosefoot violet

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Woodwardia fimbriata • giant chain fern

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
82 #1  

Wyethia amplexicaulis • mule ears

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Wyethia angustifolia • narrowleaf mule ears

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Linn County, OR
Sold Out    

Wyethia glabra • Coast Range mules ear

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Wyethia mollis • wooly dwarf sunflower

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out    

Xerophyllum tenax

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Seed Source: Benton County, OR
15 #1 Aug. 2024
967 4" band Jul. 2024

Zigadenus paniculatus • foothill death camas

Quantity Container Size Plant Size / Date Available Price
Sold Out